Location: The Planet Brooklyn

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bike vs Car 2 (Washington Sq Arch)

So Critical Mass was fun this week! I was all dudded up in green plaid, announcing myself on my voice amplifier as the Spirit of Springtime, ready to take to the streets.

The summons I recieved for "not staying on the far right" kinda killed the fun. Oh well, I got a few laughs at the cops' expense while still staying charming enough to not get cuffed.

Anyway, a small handful of us ended up at Washington Square Arch, discussing out later plans when some 3-inch dick idiot started revving the engine of his bright yellow sports car down the block from a pack of proud bicyclists. God I love owning a voice amp. So, I shouted through the microfone:

HEY! TAXI! Which got their attention. I followed it up with
HEY YOU! IN THE YELLOW CAR. . . YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!!! Big laughs, big applause, and a middle finger from the guy in the backseat.

The driver revs, to prove his manhood, or superiority, or whatever, and then attempted to peel out with grand bravado. In doing so, nearly crashing his overpriced hunk of junk into a tree. We all had a good laugh, and the car drove off with it's fender between it's legs



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