Location: The Planet Brooklyn

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bike vs Car 1 (9th ave & 16th st.)

Did you know that lower Ninth ave has a Bike Lane? No lie, the far left lane is all for bicyclists. Wide one, too. I didn't know until my brother Matt and my friend Nick brought me there on our way to Critical Mass. Apparently, neither did the Yellow Cab that came barrelling up the street right toward us.

Of course, he was in a hurry, much moreso than anyone else on the road, so he was, of course, justified in tearing ass up the bike lane with three bicyclists stopped waiting to turn onto 16th st. Nick moved out of the way calmly, whereas I yelled at the cab to slow it down. Noticing he wasn't slowing, I moved myself out of the way just enough as well. Broken Legs was not convenient for me at this time.

Matt however, my proud, pseudo-rebel would not back down. Standing stone-faced against the grand yellow beast, he turned his wheel *just* enough to coincide with the taxi swerving to the right *just* enough to whip right past him, missing the bicycle by what I would guess was. . . hmm. . . an inch.

Now here's the clincher. Being so very close to the cab as it whipped by gave big bro the perfect open window (quite literally) to tell the driver exactly what he thought of his macho and thorougly dangerous actions; in the form of one precisely hocked loogie of phlegm. Right in the guy's face.

Half a block later, the cabbie stopped. Nick and I stood next to Matt, ready for any (unarmed, we hope and pray) confrontation with the driver. He drove on.

Heaping kudos on my big bro for his brave action, he could only reply:

"I wish I had more phlegm)


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